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第一条 为了加强对市级预算的审查监督,规范预算行为,发挥预算在促进国民经济和社会发展中的作用,根据《中华人民共和国预算法》和有关法律、行政法规,结合本市实际,制定本规定。
第二条 预算的编制和管理应当按照《中华人民共和国预算法》和国务院有关规定,遵循先有预算、后有支出和严格按预算支出的原则,细化预算,实行部门预算。
第三条 市人民政府财政部门应当及时向市人民代表大会财政经济委员会(以下简称市人大财经委员会)通报预算编制情况,在市人民代表大会会议举行的一个月前,将上年度预算执行情况和本年度预算草案的主要内容提交市人大财经委员会进行初步审查。提交初步审查的材料包括:
第四条 市人大财经委员会应当会同市人民代表大会其他有关的专门委员会,按照真实、合法、效益和具有预测性的原则,对上年度预算执行情况和本年度预算草案的主要内容进行初步审查。
第五条 市人民代表大会常务委员会(以下简称市人大常委会)对预算执行情况进行监督时,市人民政府及有关预算部门、单位应当如实报告情况和提供必要的材料。
第六条 市人大常委会监督预算的执行,主要内容是:
第七条 市人民政府财政部门应当按月向市人大财经委员会报送有关预算收支情况的材料,按季度报告预算执行情况。
第八条 严格控制不同预算科目之间的资金调剂,各部门、各单位的预算支出应当按照批准的预算科目执行。
第九条 因特殊情况必须调整预算时,市人民政府应当编制预算调整方案,提交市人大常委会审查和批准。
第十条 预算超收收入可以用于充实财力后备和其他必要的支出。需要动用预算超收收入追加预算支出的,应当编制预算超收收入使用方案。
第十一条 市人民政府应当将决算草案提交市人大常委会审查和批准。
第十二条 市人民政府审计部门应当按照真实、合法和效益的原则,依法对市级预算执行情况和部门决算进行审计。
第十三条 市人民政府应当按照国务院的规定,把应当纳入预算管理的预算外资金及时纳入预算管理;暂时不纳入预算管理的,应当纳入财政专户,实行收支两条线管理。
第十四条 市人民政府应当将下列事项及时报市人大常委会备案:
第十五条 市人大常委会预算工作委员会是市人大常委会的工作机构,承担市人大常委会预算审查监督的日常工作,并协助市人大财经委员会办理预算初步审查的具体工作。
第十六条 区、县人民代表大会常务委员会审查监督本级预算可以参照本规定执行。
第十七条 本规定自2002年1月1日起施行。

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卫生部 公安部/国家教育委员会等



第一条 为预防艾滋病从国外传入或者在我国发生和流行,保障人民身体健康,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定所指艾滋病监测管理的对象是:
第三条 各级卫生行政部门主管辖区内的艾滋病监测管理工作。
第四条 所有入境人员在入境时,必须如实填写健康申明卡,并交国境卫生检疫机关查验。
第五条 来中国定居或居留一年(或来华留学一学年)以上的外国人,在申请入境签证时,须交验所在国公立医院或经过所在国公证机关公证的私立医院的艾滋病血清学检查证明,并经中国驻外使、领馆认证,证明自签发之日起六个月内有效。
第六条 属本规定第二条第(一)项、第(二)项所指的外国人不准入境。
第七条 外国人在中国居留期间,如被发现属本规定第二条第(一)项、第(二)项所指人员,当地卫生行政部门可提请公安部门令其立即出境。
第八条 定居国外的中国公民和在国外居留一年以上的中国公民(含在外国轮船上工作的中国海员),回国定居或居留一年以上的,须在回国后二个月内到指定的卫生专业机构接受检查。
第九条 严禁任何单位和个人从国外进口或带入本规定第二条第(四)项所指物品,如确需进口,须报经卫生部审查批准。
第十条 艾滋病的毒株由卫生部指定的单位保存、使用,未经卫生部批准,任何单位和个人不得自行在国内交换、传递和使用。
第十一条 血液和血液制品必须进行艾滋病病毒抗体监测。
第十二条 各省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门应当组织开展艾滋病监测工作。监测工作的主要内容是:
第十三条 进行艾滋病血清学检查,必须使用一次性注射器,其他治疗器材应严格消毒,杜绝医源性感染。
第十四条 艾滋病为国家规定的报告传染病。
第十五条 民政、公安、司法行政等部门在执行公务时,发现有可能传播艾滋病者,应立即送卫生部门进行艾滋病检查。
第十六条 医疗单位要密切注意就诊病人,发现疑似艾滋病病人,应当立即诊断、报告和处理。
第十七条 从事预防、医疗和保健工作的人员确诊或疑诊艾滋病病人和感染者后,应立即向当地卫生防疫机构报告。卫生防疫机构在接到报告后,于十二小时内向上级卫生行政部门报告疫情。
第十八条 有关单位和个人在接受卫生行政部门派出人员的调查时,有义务提供关于艾滋病发生、传播、转归等方面的情况和资料,并保证情况的真实与完整。
第十九条 卫生行政部门对上报的疫情应当立即进行核实,上报材料必须附有经指定的卫生专业机构出具的诊断证明书。
第二十条 全国艾滋病疫情由卫生部公布。
第二十一条 任何单位和个人不得歧视艾滋病病人、病毒感染者及其家属。不得将病人和感染者的姓名、住址等有关情况公布或传播。
第二十二条 任何单位和个人,必须执行卫生部门为预防和控制艾滋病流行所采取的预防措施。
第二十三条 卫生、医疗和保健机构发现本规定第二条第(一)项所指人员时,应立即采取隔离措施,并送其到卫生行政部门指定的医疗单位治疗。
第二十四条 卫生、医疗和保健机构发现本规定第二条第(二)项、第(三)项所指人员时,应当根据预防的需要,对其实施以下部分或全部措施:
第二十五条 艾滋病病人或艾滋病病毒感染者的尸体必须就地火化。
第二十六条 对艾滋病病人或感染者的分泌物、排泄物及其所接触过可能造成污染的用品和环境,卫生防疫机构应监督指导有关单位或个人进行消毒,必要时由卫生防疫机构实施消毒。
第二十七条 卫生、医疗和保健机构实施本规定第二十三条、第二十四条规定的措施时,公安等有关部门应给予协助。
第二十八条 对违反本规定,有下列行为之一的单位或个人,由卫生行政部门给予五十元以上、三千元以下罚款,并强制采取预防、治疗和消毒措施:
第二十九条 对违反本规定,引起艾滋病传播,或者有引起艾滋病传播严重危险的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第三十条 本规定用语的含义:
第三十一条 实施预防、治疗、检查措施时,按规定收取费用。
第三十二条 本规定由卫生部负责解释。
第三十三条 本规定自发布之日起实施。


e State Bureau of Foreign Expert Affairs on January 14, 1988)

Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on December 26, 1987, and promul-
gated jointly by the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, the State Education Commission,
the National Tourism Administration, the Civil Aviation Administration of
China and the State Bureau of Foreign Expert Affairs on January 14, 1988)
Article 1
These Provisions are formulated in order to prevent AIDS from entering,
occurring and spreading in China so as to safeguard the health of the
Chinese people.
Article 2
The objects subject to the monitoring and control of AIDS as defined in
these provisions are:
(1) victims of AIDS;
(2) carriers of the AIDS virus;
(3) suspects of AIDS and those who have close contact with persons as
defined in Items (1) and (2) of this Article;
(4) blood, hemoproducts, toxicostrain, biological tissue, animals and
other articles that have been contaminated by the AIDS virus or may cause
the spreading of AIDS.
Article 3
The health administrative departments at all levels shall be in charge of
AIDS monitoring and control within their respective jurisdiction.
The public security organs, foreign affairs offices, Customs
establishments, tourist agencies, education departments, aviation, railway
and other transportation units as well as all the enterprises,
institutions and social organizations shall help the health administrative
departments in taking precautionary measures against the spread of AIDS.
Article 4
Upon arrival, any passenger who enters China shall fill in a health
declaration card truthfully, and submit it to the health quarantine organ
for inspection.
Article 5
When applying for entry visa, any foreign national who plans to settle
down in China or stay (or study) in China for one year or longer is
required to furnish the AIDS Serological Examination Certificate issued by
a public hospital or by a private hospital notarized by the notary office
in the country of origin and the said certificate must be authenticated by
the Chinese Embassy or consulate in that country. The certificate shall
remain valid for six months as of the date of issue.
Foreign nationals who fail to undergo AIDS serological examination in
their home countries for lack of necessary conditions, must go to a
designated professional health organ for the examination within 20 days
after entry.
Article 6
Those foreign nationals who belong to the categories as defined in Items
(1) and (2) of Article 2 in these Provisions shall be barred from entering
Those who are not allowed to enter China but have already arrived at a
China border port, must leave the border as soon as possible by the same
means of transport or a means of transport of the country where they
reside. If necessary, China civil air, railways or other transportation
departments shall make arrangements for their departure. Before they leave
the border, they must be placed in isolation by the health quarantine
organ at the border port.
Article 7
Any foreign nationals who stay in China and are found to be objects as
defined in Items (1) and (2) of article 2 in these Provisions, the local
health administrative department may request the public security organ to
order them to leave China without delay.
Article 8
Chinese citizens who have settled down abroad or have stayed abroad for
over one year (including those Chinese seamen working on foreign vessels)
and who intend to resettle down in China or stay in China for over one
year are required to go to a designated professional health organ for
physical check up within two months after they return to China.
Article 9
All units and persons are strictly prohibited from importing or carrying
in any articles as defined in Item (4) of Article 2 in these Provisions.
In the case of necessity, an application must be made to the Ministry of
Public Health for examination and approval.
Article 10
The AIDS virus strain shall be kept and used by the units designated by
the Ministry of Public Health. Without permission by the Ministry of
Public Health, no unit or person shall be allowed to exchange, pass on or
use the virus strain within China.
Article 11
Blood and hemoproducts must undergo AIDS antibody virus monitoring.
Carriers of AIDS virus are forbidden to donate their tissue, organs, blood
and seminal fluid.
Article 12
The health administrative departments in all the provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall
organize the monitoring of AIDS. The monitoring work shall mainly cover
the following fields:
(1) collecting, processing and analyzing information of AIDS incidence;
(2) carrying out serological examination among the target groups of
(3) making a survey and analysis of epidemiological factors.
Article 13
When conducting AIDS serological examination, any syringe used must be
disposable. Other medical equipment must be thoroughly disinfected so as
to guard against iatrogenic infection.
Article 14
As prescribed by the State, AIDS is an infectious disease that must be
Article 15
When carrying out their official duties, if the civil administration
organ, the public security organ and the judicial organs find any persons
susceptible to the spread of AIDS, they must be sent right away to the
health department to undergo AIDS examination.
Article 16
Medical units must keep close watch for AIDS cases among the visiting
patients. If any suspect of AIDS is found, the case must be diagnosed,
treated and reported without delay.
Article 17
Medical workers or health workers of preventive medicine or medical
treatment shall, after making a definite diagnosis of an AIDS case or
deciding on a case of AIDS suspect or a case of AIDS carrier, immediately
report the case to the local health and epidemic prevention organ. The
latter must report the case to the health administrative department at a
higher level within twelve hours.
If any other people find any suspect of AIDS, it is required that they
report the case immediately to the local prevention, medical or health
No unit or person may conceal the case from or delay the report of the
case to the organs concerned.
Article 18
When a health administrative department sends its officers to make an
investigation of AIDS, the units or persons concerned are duty-bound to
provide detailed information about the occurrence, spreading, metastasis
of the disease and guarantee that the information is true and complete.
Article 19
The health administrative department must verify the reported information
without delay. The material reported must include a diagnosis issued by a
designated professional health organ.
Article 20
The nationwide information about AIDS incidence shall be released by the
Ministry of Public Health.
Article 21
No unit or person may discriminate against AIDS victims, AIDS virus
carriers or their relatives. No information about the victims such as
their names, addresses, etc. shall be made public.
Article 22
Every unit or person must follow the precautionary measures taken by the
health department for the purpose of preventing and checking the incidence
of AIDS.
Article 23
When a hygiene organ, medical treatment organ or health organ has found a
person who belongs to the category of people defined in Item (1) of
Article 2 of these Provisions, it must place the person in isolation and
send him/her to a hospital designated by the health administrative
department for medical treatment.
Article 24
When a hygiene organ, medical treatment organ or health organ has found a
person who belongs to the category of people defined in Item (2) or (3) of
Article 2 of these Provisions, some or all of the following measures must
be taken according to the prevention requirements:
(1) detention for physical check up;
(2) restriction on movement;
(3) medical observation;
(4) regular or irregular medical visits.
Article 25
The dead body of an AIDS victim or an AIDS virus carrier must be cremated
Article 26
The units or individuals concerned shall, under the supervision and
guidance of the health and prevention organ, exercise disinfection to the
secretion, excretion of AIDS victims or AIDS virus carriers, and the
articles and places, which they have come into contact with and which
might have been contaminated. If necessary, the disinfection shall be
conducted by the health and prevention organ itself.
Article 27
When the hygiene, medical treatment or health organs perform their duties
as stipulated in Articles 23 and 24 of these Provisions, the public
security organs and other units concerned shall offer assistance.
Article 28
Any unit or person that has committed any one of the following acts in
violation of the Provisions shall be punished by the health administrative
department in the form of a fine of no less than RMB 50 and no more than
RMB 3,000 and shall be forced to take precaution, treatment and
disinfection measures:
(1) conceal the case of AIDS and evade examination;
(2) spread AIDS with awareness that there exist AIDS cases or AIDS virus
(3) withhold from declaring articles brought in at the time of entry as
defined in Item (4) of Article 2 of these Provisions;
(4) refuse to carry out the precaution and control measures against the
spread of AIDS as defined in Articles 23, 24, 25 and 26 of these
Article 29
For any violation of these Provisions that has resulted in the spread of
AIDS or the danger of spreading AIDS, criminal responsibility shall be
investigated by the judicial organs according to law.
Article 30
For the purpose of these Provisions, the definitions of the following
terms are:
(1) "AIDS" means acquired immunity deficiency syndrome.
(2) "AIDS victim" means a person whose reaction to AIDS virus antibody is
positive and clinically a conditioned infection or malignant tumour is
(3) "AIDS virus carrier" means a person whose reaction to AIDS virus
antibody is positive but with no symptoms of AIDS or without enough
symptoms to be diagnosed as AIDS victim.
(4) "foreign national" means a person who does not have Chinese
nationality as defined in "The Nationality Law of the People's Republic of
Article 31
A fee shall be charged, according to relevant regulations, for the service
of taking prevention measures and giving medical treatment or examination.
Article 32
The right to interpret these Provisions resides in the Ministry of Public
Article 33
These Provisions shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.




(2005年12月2日广东省第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一会议通过 2005年12月2日公布 自2005年12月2日起施行)

第一条 为加强和规范本省沿海挖砂采石出口作业点和港澳籍小型船舶进出广东沿海挖砂采石出口作业点作业的管理,合理开发和利用广东省沿海砂石资源,保护沿海生态环境,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》,结合本省实际,制定本规定。

第二条 本省行政区域内对沿海挖砂采石出口作业点和港澳籍小型船舶进出广东沿海挖砂采石出口作业点作业(包括运输、疏通航道)的行政许可,适用本规定。

第三条 省对外贸易经济合作(省政府口岸管理)部门主管本省沿海设立挖砂采石出口作业点和港澳籍小型船舶进出广东沿海挖砂采石出口作业点作业的行政许可。

第四条 在本省沿海设立挖砂采石作业点用于向香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区出口砂石,经营单位应当申请办理行政许可。







第五条 在本省沿海设立挖砂采石出口作业点的,由经营单位向拟设立作业点所在地地级以上市人民政府口岸管理部门提出申请,并提交下列材料:





第六条 港澳籍小型船舶进入广东沿海港口、海域和岛屿挖砂采石出口作业点进行挖砂采石作业、运输砂石以及疏通航道,经营单位应当申请办理行政许可。






第七条 港澳籍小型船舶进出广东沿海挖砂采石出口作业点作业的,由经营单位向作业点所在地地级以上市人民政府口岸管理部门提出申请,并提交下列材料:




第八条 地级以上市人民政府口岸管理部门收到本规定第五条、第七条规定的申请后,应当征求所在地口岸检查检验单位的意见,并在收齐回复意见后5个工作日内作出受理或者不予受理决定。受理的,报广东省对外贸易经济合作(省政府口岸管理)部门;不受理的,应当书面通知申请人并告知理由。


第九条 挖砂采石出口作业点和港澳籍小型船舶进出广东沿海挖砂采石出口作业点作业的行政许可期限为一年。

第十条 省人民政府可根据本规定制订实施细则。

第十一条 本规定自公布之日起施行。
